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June Sale Event: 40% off Save the Dates | Code: FLASH40 | Ends 6/4

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Pre-Wedding Events: Who to Invite and Who to Skip

Are you getting married soon? Congratulations! That means you’re planning more than just your wedding day. There’s all those extra celebrations to think about to. From your bridal shower to rehearsal dinner, these pre-wedding parties are often just as fun as the big day.

Deciding who to invite to these wedding-related events can be tricky though. You don’t want to leave anyone out…but does your Aunt Kathy really need to attend your bachelorette?

Let us offer some advice on who needs to be invited to your shower, bachelorette and rehearsal dinner, and who you can leave off the guest list.

Who Gets Invited to the Bridal or Wedding Shower?

Are you wondering who gets invited to your bridal shower? It’s really up to you, but we do have some guidelines based on proper etiquette.

Must Invite List:
Of course, you’ll want to invite your wedding party, including your bridesmaids and anyone else you’ve asked to participate in your ceremony in any way. If you’re close to the groomsmen’s significant others, be sure to include them as well.

When it comes to family members, let the guest of honor decide who to invite. Family relationships can be tricky, so go with what you feel most comfortable with. Be sure to send a bridal shower invitation to family members even if you know they cannot attend. They’ll appreciate the thought and enjoy feeling included from afar.

If you’re hosting a couple’s wedding shower, invite the best man, groomsmen and other male family and friends from both sides.

Who Not to Invite:
If someone isn’t invited to the wedding, they should not be invited to the bridal shower.

One exception though, is coworkers. You may find your coworkers want to throw you a shower at the office, which is such a kind gesture! Your coworkers do not need to be invited to the wedding unless you consider a few of them good friends, in which case they should already be on the guest list.

Who Gets Invited to the Bachelorette Party?

Making your bachelorette party invite list should be fun! There’s no set etiquette rules about who to invite and who not to. It all depends on how big of a shindig you want to have!

Must Invite List:
That being said, your bridal party needs to be invited to your bachelorette, of course!

Who Not to Invite:
Quite simply, anyone you’re not comfortable having there. You are not required to invite mothers, aunts, coworkers or anyone else who you think might throw off the mood for the evening.

Who Gets Invited to the Rehearsal Dinner?

Making a rehearsal dinner guest list really depends on what kind of a night-before celebration you want to have, and how large you want it to be.

Must Invite List:
Invite everyone who is attending your wedding rehearsal. This means inviting your entire wedding party and any participants, including your officiant. It’s also proper etiquette to include spouses or significant others.

Who Not to Invite:
No rules here! If you want to invite additional friends and family, do! Often, the rehearsal dinner is treated as a gathering for friends and family who have traveled from out of town and is a really fun way to kick off your wedding weekend. But if you prefer a more intimate gathering, that’s fine too.

A note regarding children: it’s perfectly acceptable to request that children not attend your rehearsal dinner. Ask guests to make it a date night. You can add a note about this right on your rehearsal dinner invitations.

We hope this advice was helpful. If you have other questions as your personalize your wedding stationery, we’re here with answers! xoxo


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